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Retail Laundry Management System

Complete end-to-end solution for your retail laundry business

At VGTag, we design systems to help you manage, monitor and expand your business. Our Retail Laundry Management System covers the retail front, production plant operations and delivery logistics.


Every piece of garment that comes into our system are tagged. Its entire time in your facilities are accurately tracked and accountability at each process stage is easily traceable. Any special instructions or defects would be made known easily to every operator. Concurrently, the productivity of every operator can be measured precisely.

Our system will remind you early when it anticipates that some orders might not be completed on time, so you have sufficient reaction time to respond and avoid facing an unhappy customer.


Integration with automation system would allow you to significantly boost your productivity. With all these tools and information on hand, you can focus on building your business with a peace of mind.

Laundry Point of Sales System
  • Order Creation and Management with multiple express settings

  • Customer Management and VIP Discount

  • Brand / Colour / Print Pattern Input

  • Special Instructions that would be seen throughout the operation process

  • Garment Imaging - Know exactly how a piece of garment look like

  • Defects Imaging - Avoid arguments with customer and increase awareness of plants operators

  • Inventory Aging Report - Free up valuable retail space

  • Fast, user friendly and intuitive

Laundry Management System Portal
  • ​Accessible anytime, anywhere

  • Works on multiple devices - computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones

  • Access real time sales data and generate sales reports

  • Full process tracking of individual order, garment and accessory

  • Customer sales records and analysis

  • Real time production status monitoring and alert

  • Worker productivity analysis

  • Identify problems and bottlenecks within operations

Logistics Collection and Delivery Mobile App
  • Tracking of garments between physical transition points.

  • Increase accountability, reduce human errors and wasted effort and time for deliveries due to left out or mixed up garments. Drivers would know exactly what garments to be picked up.

  • Automatically tracks the time when pick ups and deliveries were made at retail outlets and production plants.

Work In Progress Station
  • Automatically track the whereabouts and status of every garment as it goes through the different stages in the production process.

  • Alert the operator for special instructions or garment care remarks.

  • Measure the productivity of every operator.

  • Operator’s identity is captured, increasing accountability.

Integration with Automated Sorters
  • We provide customized integration to various garment sorters.

Manual Sort System
  • Designed for non-hangable items like curtains and linens which can’t be sorted using automated sorters.

  • Based on automatic pigeon hole assignment mechanism.

© 2017 by VGTag iN-Solutions

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